
Let other trusted users help manage your Cadenza website by granting them Admin priviledges. Learn what different User roles mean and what capabilities they have.

Adding New Users

Administrator’s may add new Admin Users to their Cadenza site. These may be additional full access Administrators, or other users with more limited capabilities. If you are a site owner, be very careful who you allow to have access to your Cadenza website and make sure that all users follow strict Strong Password and security protocols. There are two types…

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Usernames & Passwords

Your website is part of the greater Cadenza network, a supported system of a centrally managed database and code base. As such, your Username must be unique and different than any other Cadenza user, regardless of which site they belong to, much the same as your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn Username. Choose a Username that suits you best and is…

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WordPress Roles

You can add users to your Cadenza admin and assign them different Roles, depending on the level of access you wish to grant. Only Administrators can create new users and assign roles and only an Administrator can edit another user’s role. A Role defines a set of tasks a user assigned the role is allowed to perform. There are five primary…

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User Profiles

Each logged in user can edit their own profile and an Administrator may manage any user’s profile. Maintaining complete and accurate User Profiles is a good way to collect and reference additional information about each user of your Cadenza website. Some things that you can do with User Profiles: Your profile contains information about you (your “account”) as well as…

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