Adding New Users

Administrator’s may add new Admin Users to their Cadenza site. These may be additional full access Administrators, or other users with more limited capabilities.

If you are a site owner, be very careful who you allow to have access to your Cadenza website and make sure that all users follow strict Strong Password and security protocols.

There are two types of News Users that you can add:

  1. Existing User – This is someone who is already a Cadenza user (a site owner themselves or a user on another Cadenza website.) All users of Cadenza reside in a shared database, so that users may have access to multiple sites as long as the site owner grants them that privilege and registers them to their Cadenza website. A scenario that might call for adding an Existing User would be for programs that may have different smaller related programs with seperate Cadenza websites. For example, you may be the director of a high school music program and there are several middle school programs in your town, each with their own Cadenza website. If you are in a collaborative environment where you share instructional or administrative duties, it might make sense to also share access between your Cadenza websites, to maintain communcations or calendar information.
  2. New User – This is someone new to Cadenza completely, and has not registered with another Cadenza site already. If you are a single Cadenza site and just want to add users to help maintain your site’s content, then you may add supporters or volunteers and grant them limited admin roles just for this purpose.

*Users are registered by a unique username and an email address. An individual may be registered using a different user name and email address and still technically be a “new” user. If so, then they would only have access to the site(s) they are registered with for that user name and email address. If you are adding an existing user, verify their existing username and/or email address before you invite them to your Cadenza website.

Be sure that you are communicating with all New Users and alert them to expect an email invitation to join your Cadenza website (unless you opted not to send one – see below). Tell them to check their spam or junk mail folder if they do not receive an invitation promptly. They should also respond in a timely manner as inviations will expire if not accepted in a timely manner.

Adding Existing Users

To add an Existing New User to your Cadenza website, do the following:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to Users > Add New
  2. Under the Add Existing User section, enter the Email Address or Username of an existing user to invite them to your Cadenza website. If you enter the information correctly, WordPress will recognize the User and may autofill the field, or provide you with a list of existing users that match or partially match your search. Be sure to select the correct User from the list!
  3. If the username or email address is not already registered with Cadenza, you will receive an error notification that the email or username does not exist.
  4. Select a Role from the drop down menu.
  5. Optionally select to Skip the Confirmation Email. This adds the user automatically, without them having to confirm your request to add them to your site. The default behavior is to send the confirmation email to the new user to be assured that both parties are in agreement to the invitation.
    • If sent, the New User is NOT added to your site, until they respond to the email confirmation.
    • If you elect to Skip the Confirmation Email, then the New User will be added to your Cadenza website, but you will have to set their password for them before they can login.
  6. Click the Add Existing User button to complete the request.

Add New Users

To add an New User (not already a Cadenza user), do the following:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to Users > Add New
  2. Under the Add New User section, enter a username for the new user. All Cadenza Usernames must be unique. If you enter a user name that already exists, you will get an error message letting you know that the username already exists.
  3. Enter an Email Address for the new user. All Cadenza user must use a single unique email address. If you enter an email address that is already in use, you will get an error message letting you know that the email address already exists.
  4. Select a Role from the drop down menu.
  5. Optionally select to Skip the Confirmation Email. This adds the user automatically, without them having to confirm your request to add them to your site. The default behavior is to send the confirmation email to the new user to be assured that both parties are in agreement to the invitation. If sent, the New User is NOT added to your site, until they respond to the email confirmation.
  6. Click the Add New User button to complete the request
  7. When New Users receive their invitation (if you elected to send it), they will be asked to login and set their password
  8. If you elected to Skip the Confirmation Email, then the New User will be added to your Cadenza website, but you will have to set their password for them before they can login.