Primary Sidebar

You Primary Sidebar is used on Post pages such as News posts, or blog post pages, if you choose to create and maintain a blog or any other category of posts. The Primary Sidebar typically contains links to other post categories, recent posts and other widgets. You can also add the Primary Sidebar in other areas of your Cadenza website if you are using the Page Builder to create other pages or posts.

The Primary Sidebar is one of your Widget areas. WordPress Widgets add content and features to your sidebars, footer widgets areas and content modules. You manage and configure widgets in the Primary Sidebar in the same way that you add widgets to other widget areas.

To manage the widgets in your Primary Sidebar, from your Dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. Locate and click the little down arrow to expand the Primary Sidebar

By default, your Primary Sidebar includes the following Widgets:

  • Search – adds a simple search field so that visitors can search your site by content keywords and tags
  • Recent Posts – configured to display the 5 most recent posts on your website (all categories)
  • Archives – displays a monthly archive of your Cadenza website’s posts
  • Categories – displays a list or dropdown of your sites’s post categories
  • Events List – shows a list of the upcoming events

You can add other widgets to your Primary Sidebar, or remove some of these. Remember that your Primary sidebar displays on ALL post pages

Configuring Default Primary Sidebar Widgets.

While you may or may not want to add other widgets to your Primary Sidebar, you’ll need to configure the default widgets somewhat to suit your needs.

Search – The only optional configuration is to give the widget a title. You may choose to add your organization’s name, or add something simple such as “Search our site”.

Recent Posts – You can add an optional title here s well. Select the number of posts to display, but choose a reasonable number! Each entry adds characters and lines to your sidebar, which increases its length. You can also opt to display the posts date.

Archives – Adding a title is optional. Choose to display the archive as a dropdown menu by month and optionally show the number of posts per month.

Categories – Choose to display each categories in a dropdown menu, show post counts per category and choose to show categories hierarchy (parent/child categories.) Adding a title is optional.

Events List – By default, this widget is titled “Upcoming Events”, but you may rename it. Select to display between 1 and 10 upcoming events, and choose what information to include (other than title): Price,Venue, Address, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country, Phone or Organizer. The Add a Filter menu displays Event Categories (Taxonomy Terms). Select which terms you want to match or exclude. Option options are to hide the widget if you don’t have any upcoming events (unlikely), or to limit to featured events only (if configured). Leave the “Generate JSON-LD date option checked.