Event Details
Every Event you add to your Cadenza Events Calendar will link to its own Details Page. These pages include all of the information that you added about your event when you scheduled it, and is presented in an informative way.
Naturally, the most important information about any events is:
- What the event is
- When the event happens
- Where the event happens
And there are always other specifics such as Who the event is for, if there is a cost for the event, who is hosting the event, what you need to bring to the event, and so on.
Most of the important details above are required for scheduling an event and are easily added by selecting a time and date from the Time & Date pickers, or selecting one of your Venues or Organizers.
However, you can also add much more detail and interesting content about your event by using either the Visual/Text Editor or the Page Builder. While a regular rehearsal or monthly supporters meeting may not require more than a mark on the calendar, your important performances and activities need much more information to encourage attendance and inform your members and the public about all of the details for your event.
By using the Visual/Text Editor or the Page Builder you can add:
- Images or galleries
- Slideshows
- MP3 audio clips
- Forms
- Voluteer Sign-Ups
- Tabs or Accordion content
- Call to Action banners
- Event Countdown Clocks
- Pricing Tables
- Dining Menus
- Dozens of other content modules
It is important to note, that while you can use the Page Builder to create attractive and interesting Events pages, you still edit the main details of the Event the same way. The Page Builder only replaces the content box portion of the page, not the Time & Date, Venue or Organizer.