Event Venues & Organizers

When you schedule Events, you’ll likely want to add Venue information, to let people know where your Event will take place. Sometimes you’ll also want to add information about the Organizers of the Event, especially if it isn’t you or your organization. Both Venue and Organizer information can be stored automatically in your Calendar and reused, making it easier and faster to create new Events that are often held at a single location or are sponsored or organized by the same person or group as other events.

You can also create Venues and Organizers just by themselves, aside from adding them as you are creating an Event. Both methods store them for reuse and Venues and Organizers can be edited at any time, which updates all current, future and past Events.

Creating a New Venue

To add a new Venue, do the following:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to Events > Venues
  2. Click the Add New button at the top of the page
  3. Enter the Title (or name) of the Venue in the “Enter title here” text area
  4. Optionally enter any description or content in the Editor window
  5. Fill out the Venue Information including: Full Address, Phone and/or Website
  6. Choose any Map settings, including whether to show a Google Map, and Google Map with Links, and/or whether to use Latitude and Longitude
  7. When you are finished, click the Publish button to make your Venue available for your Events

Adding a New Venue When Creating an Event

You can also create a new Venue at the same time you are scheduling an Event. All of the most important location information is available, and you can edit the Venue later if needed.

To add a new Venue as you are creating an Event, do the following:

  1. Begin creating a new Event
  2. Scroll down to the Location section
  3. Click in the Venue field, and type in the Name of your Venue
  4. Press your Enter key
  5. Fill out the Venue Information including: Full Address, Phone and/or Website
  6. Choose any Map settings, including whether to show a Google Map, and Google Map with Links
  7. When you are finished creating your Event, click the Publish button to make your Event live on your Calendar
  8. Your new Venue will be stored in your Venue selections

Creating a New Organizer

To add a new Organizer, do the following:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to Events > Organizers
  2. Click the Add New button at the top of the page
  3. Enter the Title (or name) of the Organizer in the “Enter title here”text area
  4. Optionally enter any description or content in the Editor window
  5. Fill out the Organizer Information including: Phone, Website and/or Email
  6. When you are finished, click the Publish button to make your Organizer available for your Events

Adding a New Organizer When Creating an Event

You can also create a new Organizer at the same time you are scheduling an Event. All of the most important contact information is available, and you can edit the Organizer later if needed.

To add a new Organizer as you are creating an Event, do the following:

  1. Begin creating a new Event
  2. Scroll down to the Organizers section
  3. Click in the Organizer field, and type in the Name of your Organizer
  4. Press your Enter key
  5. Fill out the Organizer Information including: Phone, Website and/or Email
  6. Optionally click the Add another organizer button if you need to add additional organizers for your Event
  7. When you are finished creating your Event, click the Publish button to make your Event live on your Calendar
  8. Your new Organizer will be stored in your Organizers selections

Selecting Saved Venues and Organizers when Creating an Event

Once a Venue or Organizer has been created, simply select it/them from the drop down lists under Location and Organizers, when adding a new Event. All information is then displayed properly on all new Events on your Events Calendar.

Editing Saved Venues and Organizers

Venues and Organizers information is stored under their related links in the Dashboard and can also be edited at any time. Editing information for a Venue or Organizer updates this information everywhere, for current, future and even old events.

To edit Saved Venues or Organizers, do the following:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to either Events > Venues or Events > Organizers
  2. Hover over the name of the Venue or Organizer you wish to edit and click the Edit link
  3. Alter any information you need to update
  4. Click the Update button when you are finished, to save your changes.