Sign-Up Sheets Main Settings
The Main Settings page for Sign-up Sheets has many options for customizing Volunteer Sign-Ups. Most of the default settings should let you set up and manage Sign-Up sheets just fine, but you can alter settings as needed for your individual needs. The information below outlines all of the options available under Main Settings page. Read each option carefully if you need to change these settings.
To update the Main Settings for Sign-Up sheets, navigate to Sign-Up Sheets > Settings and click the Main Settings tab.
- Enable Test Mode – Puts Volunteer Sign-up Sheet system in test mode. Only admin level users can view public side sign-up sheets.
- Test Mode Message – The message users see on volunteer sign-up pages when in test mode.
- Volunteer Sign Up Page – The page where you put the shortcode [pta_sign_up_sheet] to generate the main sign-ups page. If you are using the widget, this MUST be set to a page with the main shortcode on it, or your widget links will NOT work!
- Redirect Sign Ups to Main Page? – If checked, sign-up links will always go to the main volunteer page (set above). Un-check this if you are using different shortcodes on different pages to display different sheets and want to stay on that page when displaying the sign up form.
- Suppress Duplicate Output? – When checked, the plugin will suppress duplicated signup forms and messages when you are using multiple shortcodes on the same page without using the redirect option (redirecting to a page with only one shortcode for signup). If you have a theme or plugin that is triggering shortcode functions more than once on a page, causing a blank page, or if you never use more than one shortcode on a page without redirecting, you can un-check this option.
- Use divs? – When checked, styled divs will be used to replace all tables in the public output (sheet list, task list, user signup list).
- Disable plugin CSS? – When checked, the plugin will NOT queue up its own CSS style sheet.
Hide volunteer names from public? – If checked filled sign-up slots will show “Filled” instead of first name and last initial of volunteer. - Show full name? – If checked, and not hiding names (above), this will show the full first and last name instead of first name and last initial
- Consolidate remaining slots? – When checked, the number of remaining sign-up slots for a task/item will be shown on one line in the task list with a single sign-up link, instead of showing a separate line for each of the remaining quantity of that task/item.
- Hide Details and Quantities – If checked the item details and quantity fields will be hidden from the task list on the sheet details page.
- Hide chair contact info from public? – If checked sheet chair contact info will NOT be shown to the public.
- Show Ongoing events in Widget? – If checked, Ongoing events will be shown in sidebar widget.
- Show Ongoing events last? – If checked, Ongoing events will be shown at the bottom of sign up sheet lists (and widget, if enabled).
- Phone Required? – When checked, and as long as you are not hiding the phone field, the phone field will be required. Un-check if you want to show the phone field but have it be optional.
- Remove Phone field from Signup form? – If checked, the Phone field will be removed from the public Sign-Up form.
- Login Required? – Force user to be logged in before they can view or sign-up for any volunteer sheets.
- Login Required for Signup? – Force user to be logged in before they can sign-up for any volunteer sheets. If the above box is checked, this has no effect. But you can un-check the above “Login Required” option to allow guests to view the sign-up sheets, but then check this box to prevent guests from signing up.
- Login Required Message – The message users see on volunteer sign-up pages when they are not logged in and the Login Required option is enabled.
- Login to Sign-Up Message – The message users see on task list and sign-up form when they are not logged in and the “Login Required for Signup” option is enabled.
- Read Only Signup? – If you require users to be logged in to view and sign-up, enabling this option will make name and email fields on the signup form “read only”, if the information already exists in their user meta. They will not be able to alter first name, last name, or email when signing up.
- Show Login Link? – If login is required, this will show a login link under the login required message.
- Disable Login Notices? Turn off the notice strongly suggesting volunteers login before signing up for a volunteer slot (on signup form page) and the notice to login to view/edit signups on the main volunteer list page.
- Prevent Global Overlapping Signups? – Checking this option will check ALL user signups, across ALL sheets, to see if the same user has already signed up for another task on the same date with overlapping times. If so, an error message will be shown and they will not be able to sign up. This is a global setting. If you only want to check for overlapping times on a single sheet, use the setting on that sheet. Checking this will ignore that per sheet setting and always check all signups for the user.
- Enable CRON Notifications? Sends site admin an email whenever a CRON job is completed (such as sending reminders or deleting expired signups).
- Detailed Reminder Notifications? – Admin reminder emails notification will include the message body of all reminders sent, useful for troubleshooting.
- Show Expired Tasks? – Shows expired tasks on the admin View Signups page for a sheet. Expired tasks are not counted in the Total Spots column.
- Automatically clear expired signups? – Automatically clears expired signups from the database (runs with hourly CRON function). Expired signups are not counted in the Filled Spots column.
- Show remaining slots on sheet CSV exports? – Check this to show remaining spots for a task as rows in the sheet CSV export (previous default behavior). Uncheck to only show rows for filled spots.
- Enable Sign-up form live search? – Allows admin and sign-up sheet managers to do live search of volunteers by first or last name on the sign-up form, allowing them to sign-up other volunteers quickly from the front end. If this is disabled, the extra javascript will not be enqueued.
Live Search Tables If live search is enabled, select if you want to search for volunteers in the sign-up table, or for users in the WP Users table, or both tables. - Hide donation button? – Hides the donation button at bottom of settings pages.