Sign-Up Sheets Email Settings

The Email Settings for Sign-Up Sheets contains global administrator email addresses and email templates that are use to notify volunteers and administrators about sign-up actions. Email templates run automatically when volunteers sign-up and according to your reminder schedule, so you won’t have to compose and send emails manually!

Of course, if you DO want to send emails to volunteers for any outstanding event(s) you can, by using the Email Volunteers feature.

You can use these templates as-is (recommended), or customize them to better suit your needs. Use caution when modifying the templates, and make sue that you clearly understand how the templates use dynamic data to propogate the email message and and information.

If you accidentally erase, break, or delete the original template data, it is included here for your convenience. Simply copy the appropriate email template, paste it in to the template fields on the Email Settings page, and save your changes.

To update the Email Settings for Sign-Up sheets, navigate to Sign-Up Sheets > Settings and click the Email Settings tab.

  • FROM email: The email address that confirmation and reminder emails will be sent from. By default, your Admin email account is used. You may change this to another email address. (It does not have to be an administer of your Cadenza website)
  • Reply-To email: The Reply-To email address for confirmation and reminder emails. By default, your Admin email account is used, but may also be changed to any other email address..
  • Reply-To Chairs? If checked, Chair emails will be set as the reply-to address in notification emails. Above reply-to email will be ignored when this is checked.
  • CC email: Global CC email address for signup confirmation and signup cleared emails. This email is in ADDITION TO the chair contact emails for sheets and will apply to ALL sheets. Useful for notifying admin or the head volunteer coordinator. Leave blank to only notify the chairs entered for each sheet.
  • Confirmation email subject: Subject line for signup confirmation email messages. Template tags can be used.
  • Confirmation email template: Email user receives when they sign up for a volunteer slot.
  • Cleared signup email subject: Subject line for cleared signup email messages. Template tags can be used.
  • Cleared signup email template: Cleared signup email sent to volunteers when they clear themselves from a signup.
  • Reminder email subject: Subject line for signup reminder email messages. Template tags can be used.
  • Reminder email template: Reminder email sent to volunteers.
  • Reminder 2 email subject: Subject line for signup reminder #2 email messages. LEAVE BLANK to use same subject template (above) for both reminders. Template tags can be used.
  • Reminder 2 email template: Reminder #2 email sent to volunteers. LEAVE BLANK to use the same (first) message template for both reminders.
  • Max Reminders per Hour: Max # of reminder emails to send out in a hour. Leave blank or zero for no limit.
  • Separate CC/BCC to individual TO emails? If checked, any CC or BCC email addresses (chairs, global CC, admin) will be sent individually as separate emails, as opposed to one email with several CC or BCC addresses in the header. 
  • Send emails when clear from admin? If checked, clear emails will be sent when a spot is cleared from the admin view signups page.
  • Disable chair emails? If checked, sign-up and clear emails will NOT get copied to chairs/contacts.
  • Disable ALL emails? If checked, ALL emails will be disabled (including reminder emails). Useful if you want to clear and manually sign up users without emails being sent (when making corrections, for example). Reminders will start to get checked and sent again after you turn this off.

Confirmation email template:

Dear {firstname} {lastname},

This is to confirm that you volunteered for the following:

Event: {sheet_title}
Task/Item: {task_title}
Date: {date}
Start Time: {start_time}
End Time: {end_time}
{details_text}: {item_details}
Item Quantity: {item_qty}

If you have any questions, please contact:

Thank You!

Cleared signup email template:

Dear {firstname} {lastname},

This is to confirm that you have cleared yourself from the following volunteer signup:

Event: {sheet_title}
Task/Item: {task_title}
Date: {date}
Start Time: {start_time}
End Time: {end_time}
{details_text}: {item_details}
Item Quantity: {item_qty}

If this was a mistake, please visit the site and sign up again.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Thank You!

Reminder email template:

Dear {firstname} {lastname},

This is to remind you that you volunteered for the following:

Event: {sheet_title}
Task/Item: {task_title}
Date: {date}
Start Time: {start_time}
End Time: {end_time}
{details_text}: {item_details}
Item Quantity: {item_qty}

If you have any questions, please contact:

Thank You!