Replacing Media

From time to time, you may upload an image that is either too large or too small for your page, may be cropped wrong, or simply doesn’t work exactly the way you want it to. Or, you may need to revise to a document that you’ve already added and linked to, with updated information.

You can replace a file in your Media Library by uploading a new file in its place, without deleting, renaming and re-uploading files.

Media Replacement can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Just replace the file – This option requires you to upload a file of the same type as the one you are replacing. The name of the attachment will stay the same no matter what the file you upload is called. 
  2. Replace the file, use new file name and update all links – If you check this option, the name and type of the file you are about to upload will replace the old file. All links pointing to the current file will be updated to point to the new file name.

With either option, click the Choose File button to navigate to your new file on your computer or device, then click the Upload button to replace the file in your Media Library.

Multiple Places to Replace Media

There are several places where you can replace media files with new files, most all of them located in the same areas where you would be adding or editing media for your Posts or Pages.

  1. The Media Library – In list view, you can hover over any media file and click the Replace Media link. This opens up the Replace Media Upload page, which gives you the alternate methods outlines above.
  2. Attachement Details – When viewing a files details, you can find Replace Media and the Upload a new file button, which opens the Replace Media Upload page
  3. Edit Media – In an Edit Media screen, you can find Replace Media and the Upload a new file button, which opens the Replace Media Upload page
  4. Add Media – When composing a Page or Post and you click the Add Media button, you’ll have the additional option to select an existing file in your Media Library, then click the Upload a new file button to replace the file with a new file
  5. Page or Post Media – when editing a Page or Post, you can edit any previously added image or linked file. Click the option to Replace File, which gives you the option to select another file from your Media Library or  click the Upload a new file button to replace the file with a new file

A Note About Cache

Remember that browsers “cache” images to save server requests and speed page load. If you replace a media file, but don’t immediately see the file file in its place. refresh your browser to reload the image or file.