Adding Posts

To create a Post, do one of the following:

  • Navigate to Posts in your Dashboard. You can hover over the link, then click Add New
  • Go to All Posts, and click the Add New” button at the top of the page.

Enter a Title for your Post in the field that says “Enter title here”.

Then, enter the content of your Post in the large editor area. You can use the Visual Editor or the Text Editor. You can paste existing content from Word into the editor if you want. If you do so, it might be easier to paste into the Text editor first, then clean up the mark up in the Visual editor. This is because Word often carries with it, some additional mark-up that might affect the way you edit your post. Pasting into the Text editor often removed this additional mark-up. Use the editor tools to format your post to your liking, adding images and links as needed.

You can alternatively use the Page Builder to add more creative, interactive content blocks.

Select a Post Category from the Category box. If a category is not selected when you publish your post, then it will be assigned to the “Uncategorized” category by default. You can always go back and edit the post to select the News category later if you forget this step.

You can Preview your Post by clicking the Preview button in the “Publish” box. This will open up a new window that will show you what your post will look like when it is live on your website.

When you are satisfied with the way your post looks, click the Publish button to make the post live.

Additional Publish Settings

You don’t have to publish every Post live when you are creating it. If needed, posts can be saved temporarily and finished at a later time. You can:

  1. Save a post as a Draft. This saves all of your work, but doesn’t publish the post until you are ready for it to go live.
  2. Save a draft as Pending Review, if you need someone else to “okay” the content before publishing it live.

You can also create posts that are never live on the website, but can only be viewed by certain people. There are three “Visibility” settings:

  1. Public, means that your Post is live on your website for all to read. This is the default setting for all posts.
  2. Password Protected, gives you the ability to require a password (that you create) in order to access the post.
  3. Private posts are only accessible by the author.

News posts can also be scheduled to go live at a later date. By default, News posts go live when you click the Publish button, but you can select another date by clicking the Edit link next to Publish immediately. Select the date a time that you want the post to go live, and WordPress will publish your post at the appointed date and time.

All Posts List

WordPress saves each Post that you create for as long as you wish to save it. Over time, you may find that some posts become so out of date that you no longer have any need to archive them. Whether a post is very old, or just no longer needed, you can move a post to Trash to remove it from your All Posts list, as well as from the archive pages on your website.

Simply moving a post to Trash doesn’t automatically delete the post from WordPress, however. To permanently delete a post, you will need to navigate to the post(s) in the Trash, select the post(s) and click the Delete Permanently link. Clicking this link removes the post from your site forever!

You can also restore a previously Trashed post by clicking the Restore link. Restoring a post moves it back to your All Posts list and re-publishes the post to your website. You can not restore a page that has been Permanently Deleted!