Editing Leonard
Hover over the icons on the image below to see what the Leonard Theme is made of and how you can make edits to text, images and content. Modules may have more settings and options than described here!
Row Background Image
Edit the Row settings and swap the large background image for one of your own.
Edit the Heading text.
Click to edit the Heading text.
Click to edit the Button text and add a link.
Dual Color Heading
Click to edit the HEading text and change the colors for each part.
Text Editor
Click to enter paragraphs of text and images.
Advanced Posts
Dynamically displays Featured Images and excerpts for recent posts.
Events Calendar
Mini Calendar highlights dates of upcoming Events
This Week Events
Displays a list of Events happening in the current week. Edit the number of Events to show per day.
Click to edit the Heading text.
Click to swap out Logos and add links.