Screen Options

Screen Options, displayed as a hanging tab under the toolbar, allow the user to decide what fields or modules are presented in the work area for a given Administration Screen. Each Screen may have a different set of Screen Options.

Click on the Screen Options tab to expand the options available for a particular Screen, check (or uncheck) the desired options, then click the Screen Options hanging tab to collapse the Screen Options.


You’ll often see a few options unchecked, and often those options aren’t necessary for something that you are doing. Unchecking some options that you don’t use can greatly clean up your workspace.

If you are working on a task and can not locate a field or setting that should be there, check the Screen Options tab to make sure that something wasn’t accidentally turned off.


On some Screen Options, you can choose to display your Workspace in 1 column or 2 columns. A 2 column layout means that some boxes such as your Publish box, appear in a sidebar, or the 2nd column. Switching to 1 column moves these boxes to the bottom of your page. Using a 1 column setting can make working on a smaller screen, like a tablet, much easier.

Additional Settings

Some Screen Options have additional options. For example, when writing a Post or News, you can enable full-height editing and distraction free functionality, which hides all of the sidebars, leaving only the bare editor workspace. Checking this option doesn’t activate full-height editing and distraction free functionality, it just adds a toggle button to enable it when you need it. The toggle button is added at the top of the editor, under the Visual and Text tabs.


One of the most overlooked, yet useful screen option settings to adjust is Pagination. The number represented indicates the number of items that are displayed on your screen. This includes Media items, All Posts or All Pages, or All Events. The default setting is to display 20 items per page. While this does encourage faster page loads, it often means that you have to click to load more pages, more often, to view more items. To increase your number of items per page, simply change this value to a larger number, then click the Apply button. Your screen will refresh and display the new number of items (assuming that you have that many items in your database.)

The maximum number you may enter is 999!

Bear in mind that a larger number may mean longer page loads. If you find your page takes too long to load, try using a smaller number of items to display.

Displaying 200 items per page is often a good compromise and will still list plenty of results before pagination kicks in.