Post Categories

Each post in WordPress is filed under one or more Categories. This aids in navigation and allows posts to be grouped with others of similar content.

Each Category may be assigned to a Parent Category, allowing you to set up a hierarchy within the Category structure. In creating Categories, recognize that each Category Name must be unique. Thus, even if two Categories have two different Parents, they must still have different names.

Your Cadenza site includes two default categories: News and Uncategorized. News should be the default Category for when you publish News articles about your organizations – annoucements, feature articles, articles about recent performances or activities, recent awards or recongnitions, etc. Uncategorized is just a catch-all Category. If you forget to select a Category, then your post will end up as “uncategorized”. You can edit this later if you skip this step. 

Posts assigned to the News Category, will appear on your home page and on the News archive page of your Cadenza website.

Adding Post Categories

You can create additional Post categories and Sub Categories to organize other content. For example, you may want to create a Travel Blog if your group is going on tour. This will enable you to write blog entries about your adventures and keep them grouped within a post category for easy viewing of all related articles. Or you might want to write a personal blog, provide rehearsal tips about concert selections, or invite guest authors to write feature articles. First create a new Post Category, then assign new posts to that category before publishing them.

To create a new post category, do the following:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to Posts > Categories
  2. All existing Categories display on the right.
  3. On the left, enter the Name of your new Category in the Add New Category field
  4. You can optionally enter a Slug. WordPress will generate a slug based on your category name of you skip this step.
  5. Select a Parent Category if needed. Categories can have a Parent/Child relationship for a more detailed organizational structure. For example, you might have a parent Post Category called “Travel”, then child categories for “European Tour”, “Visit to Nation’s Capital” and “Spring Trip”. Add a Parent Category first, then select that Parent when adding Child Categories.
  6. Enter a Description (optional). The description appears only in your Dashboard, but can help you distinguish what your Post Categories mean.
  7. Click the Add New Category button when you are finished.
  8. You can continue to add more post categories on this screen. Just continue to add the information above and click the Add New Category button each time.

Reorder Post Categories

By default, post categories appear in reverse order, last created at the top. This applies only to Parent categories – Child categories always display immediately under their Parent, although also in reverse order as created. You can rearrange the order of Parent and Child categories by clicking and dragging the titles up or down the stack. Changes to order are automatically saved.

Editing Post Categories

You may edit your post category names at any time by navigating back to the Post > Categories screen. Hover over the Post Category name you want to edit and click the Edit or Quick Edit links. The Edit link allows you to edit the Name, Slug, Parent Category and Description information. The Quick Edit link allows you to edit the Name and Slug. Click the Update Category buttons when you are finished to save your changes.

Posts originally published under the previous Post Category will now appear under the new Post Category.

*It is possible that some internal, hard-coded links between posts may break. If you rename post categories after you have published posts, check to make sure that all links remain intact. Also, any external links (links on other sites, such as Facebook) may break as well. WordPress tries to ensure that all links are updated, but you’ll want to double check all internal and external links and make repairs as needed. To help ensure that links DO NOT break, leave the slug unchanged, unless the name change is dramatic. Slugs are used to create URLs to posts on your Cadenza website.