
Cadenza gives you access to Google Fonts to provide you with dozens of font choices for your website. Google font styles include Serif, Sans Serif, Display, Handwritten and Monospace varieties. The simple fact is that many of these fonts probably won’t look very good on your website, especially those in the Display or Handwritten categories. Of course, the choice to use a font style is purely up to you to decide, and many of these can really add interest to your pages. We recommend you browse the fonts on Google first to get an idea of what they look like.

Serif – fonts with little lines or decorations (serifs) at the end of the strokes. Good for large headings, but don’t work as well for paragraph text at small sizes.

Sans Serif – fonts without serifs. Modern and  clean, these work well for both headings and paragraph text

Display – decorative, or more elaborate font styles. Best used for large headings or titles. Some may work for general headings.

Handwritten – self described, font look like they were written by a person. Sometimes irregular, but can add a personal feel.

Monospace – every character gets equal horizontal spacing: the letter “i” gets the same space as the letter “m”. Often used for displaying examples of code and can have an irregular feel.


Headings are used a titles and sub titles for your written content or page sections and are identified as H1 through H6. H1 is the most important, and largest, H2 is a secondary heading, and so on, each subsequent number being smaller in size than the previous (H1: biggest, H6: smallest).

Headings make page content sections stand out for your readers, but they also play an important part for search engines. Search engines read your site in much the same way that a viewer would, so use H1s for the most important content on your page, usually the first block, at the top. The main title of your page should always be an H1, and is sometimes placed there automatically. 

H2s are generally secondary content blocks (slightly less important), H3s even less so, and so on.

The Heading font family is sometimes different than normal text, but can be the same as well. Cadenza themes use different fonts for each by default, but you can change these settings in your Customizer.


Paragraph text is used throughout your site for almost every page or post. You’ll want to use a font that is easy to read both in size, style and color contrast. Fonts that are too small or too light (or even too dark) can be hard on the eyes. Generally speaking, sans serif fonts are easier to read at smaller sizes and are typically used for paragraph text.

Line height is the spacing between lines of text, and has been preset at an optimal distance for comfort. However, you can decrease or increase the line height in the Customizer.


List text includes bulletined and numbered lists. The fonts are usually the same family, color and size of paragraph text, but are indented slightly and include a bullet or number preceding the text. Use the text editor to declare a list as unordered (bullets) or ordered (numbers).

Lists can be nested to multiple levels:

  • unordered list item
  • unordered list item
    • unordered sub list item
    • unordered sub list item
      • unordered sub list item
  • unordered list item
  1. ordered list item
  2. ordered list item
    1. ordered list sub item
    2. ordered list sub item
  3. ordered list item