Form Notifications

Form Notifictions are Emails that are sent to let someone know that a Form has been submitted. Email notifications can be sent to the site Administrator’s email address, or any other email address, including any email captured within your Form.

You can create multiple Notifications for a single Form. For example, you may want to create one Notification for the site Administrator to let them know that a Form was submitted, another Notification sent to a supporter or organizer, and another Notification sent back to the person who submitted the Form. Each Notification can contain different messages and information, and all are sent together when the Form is submitted.

Default Admin Notification

Every Form starts out with a simple Admin Notification, sent to (and from) the site Administrator’s email address. The subject of the email is “New submission from {form_title}”. The Message contains all Form fields {all_fields}. This simply means that all data from the Form is emailed to the site Administrator.

You can edit all of this information to better suit your needs, or leave it as-is. You can also create other Notifications to additionally send to other people, as described above.

Creating Notifications

To create or edit a Form Notification, do the following:

From your Dashboard, go to the Form you want to edit by navigating to Forms, then do one of the following:

  • Select the Form that you wish to edit by hovering over the Title and the Settings link, then clicking the Notifications link from the flydown menu
  • Select the Form that you wish to edit by hovering over the Title, then clicking the Title or the Edit link, then hovering over the Settings option and clicking the Notifications link from the flydown menu

Then do the following:

  1. Click the Add New button
  2. Enter a Name for your Notifcation in the Name field
  3. Select an email option for Send To by doing one of the following:
    • Enter Email – Enter {admin_email} to send the email to the site Administrator’s email address (you can copy from the “From Email” field), or enter any other valid email address
    • Select a Field – if you have an Email field in your form, you can select it from the dropdown menu
    • Configure Routing – this option to allows Notification to be sent to different email addresses depending on values selected in the form. Enter single or multiple valid email addresses. Click the “+” symbol to add more lines
  4. From Name – Enter a person’s name, your site name or organization’s name or select a field from the Merge Tag icon to the right of the text field.
  5. From Email – Leave as {admin–email} or change to anothee valid email address. Use a Merge Tag to add an email address from your Form.
  6. Reply To – Enter the email address you would like to be used as the reply to address for the Notification email.
  7. BCC – (Blind Carbon Copy Addresses) Enter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive a BCC of the notification email.
  8. Subject – Enter a Subject in the text field or use a Merge Tag to select a field from your Form.
  9. Message – Using the Editor, create the message as needed. Use a Merge Tag to dynamically add Form data as the message. {all_fields} sends all Form data in the Notification email.
  10. Auto-formatting – When enabled, auto-formatting will insert paragraph breaks automatically. Disable auto-formatting when using HTML to create email notification content.
  11. Conditional Logic – Use conditional logic to determin if Notification is send based on certain conditions being met or not met in the Form submission.
  12. Click the Save Notification button when finished